
ATTENTION: If You Have A Facebook Account, Please See This

My neighbour is the Head of accounts/Treasurer in a particularly big Church here in port Harcourt. When the kidnappers demanded 100 milli...

My neighbour is the Head of accounts/Treasurer in a particularly big Church here in port Harcourt.
When the kidnappers demanded 100 million naira, the pastor spoke with them and they reduced it to 9 million. As fate may have it, the pastor informed the police who cooked up a plan and asked the Church to drop the money as directed.
The Church and police worked hand in hand and the money was taken to their preferred location before the police arrested 2 of the gang leaders.
Upon investigation, one of them said he knew the girl from Facebook and saw her work details before she was traced and kidnapped.
She has been found and the police is searching for other gang members.
Please mind what you post on social media. Don’t post money,talk about money or your location in public. My neighbour was not killed; but she was seriously beaten

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